What is happening in Kashmir is neither a Hindu-Muslim issue
nor India-Pakistan issue but issue of injustice that is happening for 400
years. In 1586, the Kashmir was ruled by Afghans and Sikhs, after Akbar. Jit
Singh, a Sikh King who was ruling Kashmir, fought against the British. Gulab
Singh betrayed Jit Singh. Jit Singh was defeated, Kashmir being conquered by
the british. Then, British traded Kashmir for Rs.75 lakhs in return for 20
pashmina goats, three Kashmiri goats and 1 horse every year as tax. After the
death of Gulab Singh, his heir Hari Singh took control, India achieved
After Independence
Under the Dokra dynasty rule, majority Muslims lacked rights
and values instead were oppressed which created dissatisfaction. Therefore,
protest was held, Sheik Abdullah being the head by National Convention Party
against Dokra dynasty. At that time, 100 years was over after the sign of
Treaty of Amritsar, executed by British and Raja Gulab Singh. The protest was
held claiming the treaty was invalid.
The National Convention Party, led by Sheik Abdullah,
insisted that a democratic government should be formed. In this situation, King
Hari Singh was confused, whether to join with India or Pakistan or have an
independent country.
After independence, four princely states refused to join
with India and also Pakistan. They were: 1. Travancore – Kerala, 2. Junagarh –
Gujarat, 3. Hyderabad Nizam – Telengana, 4. Kashmir.
Travancore Princely state
When Britain decided to free India, Sir C.P Ramaswamy said
that Travancore will be an independent state, later Fascist Patel made him the
Vice Chancellor of Hindu Benaras university and joined Travancore with India by
Junagadh – Gujarat
Junagadh in Gujarat was ruled by a Muslim King but majority
of people were Hindus. Ruler wanted to jopin Pakistan but people wished to join
with India. The King was sent to Pakistan, the people and the land joined with
Hyderabad Nizam:
Hyderabad Nizam whio wished for an independent Hyderabad was
defeated by fascist Patel. Fascist Patel killed 40,000 people and joined
Hyderabad with India.
Majority were Muslims but King was Sikh. Both people and the
land wished for an independent country. But India mistook that Kashmir wished
to join with Pakistan.
Sufi Muslims was majority in Kashmir, and they never wished
to join with Pakistan, Sheik Abdullah didn’t have an option of joining with
Kashmir Hindu didn’t want to join with Socialist India,
whoever requested to join were described as Anti-Hindus. This was highlighted
by the popular Kashmir culture expert and author of ‘Kashmir towards
insurgency’, Barra Puri.
At the same time, the Pashtun tribe which joined with
Pakistan was waging was on Kashmir. They attacked irrespective of religion (
including Muslims ), killing people, stealing, arson and rape. Hari Singh who
was unable to face this, seek help from India. Nehru took advantage of this and
signed the Jammu and Kashmir instrument of accession and sent troops and defeated
Pashtun tribe. But still, a few parts were conquered by Pakistan. This is how
Kashmir became part of India. Till that and after a few years too, Kashmir had
no chief minister and governor, only prime minister and president. That treaty
didn’t join Kashmir completely with India. India had control over only three
departments: defense, foreign affairs and communication. Article 370 of the
constitution was newly created and Kashmir was granted autonomous status.
The most important aspect of this treaty was to conduct a
referendum. P.M Nehru announced in the radio that ‘referendum will be held
after all the invaders of Kashmir are defeated.’ U.N also insisted for a
referendum, when India voluntarily asked about Kashmir. India promised to do
the same. However, there has been no such referendum since Nehru’s time. Why?
The following instance is the answer from Human rights 13 officers. “Nehru
supported referendum in public but was not happy about this. Nehru wrote in his
letter: ‘In the interest on India, Kashmir cannot join with Pakistan but
the will of the people of Kashmir is
paramount. If they decide to secede from India, we will do it. But there is no
chance deciding it by a referendum. Kashmir’s leader should be the
representative of people. So, referendum was just for saying, then assuming the
ruler’s choice to be the Kashmir’s choice were Nehru’s intentions. This way,
Nehru saved his democratic face in public and in private treated Kashmir as a
patriot of India. After that, no one conducted a referendum.
Armed protest
Small organization were formed in Kashmir requesting an
independent Kashmir. In 1980’s the protest took an armed face. This is where
Pakistan involved. Kashmir protestors were against India and were Muslims, so,
distributed weapons and transformed them to terrorists. Protest became
terrorism. Different terrorist group were formed. This is the story of how that
beautiful valley turned to bloodshed land. Pakistn which entered with the name
of helping, ruined the protest.
Kashmir can be divided as 5 parts: 1. Kashmir valley, 2.
Jammu, 3. Ladakh, 4. Independent Kashmir, 5. Pakistan conquered Kashmir.
Hindus and Indians were majority in Kashmir where MUSLIMS,
Hindus, Sikhs and Bhuddists lived.
Gandhi once said, ‘Kashmir Hindus and Muslims lived in
harmony, I didn’t find any difference in them’. In Kashmir, the identity was
not determined by religion but as Kashmirs.
Sufis were in large number, no one loves peace as much as
they do. The Amarnath Shivling , which is celebrated by Hindus today was once
discovered by a Muslim shepherd.
260 of the 365 sections of constitution of India. Similar to
the remaining 135 sections of the law is applicable to Kashmir and are followed
by the state government of Kashmir. Kashmir is considered as India without
holding a REFERENDUM.
Destroyed life
The U.S deployed 1.65 million troops during occupation of
436.317 sq kilometer Iraq and 67000 troops were stationed when occupied
India, stationed 6.67 lakh troops excluding district police
in 222,236 sq km Kashmir.
The reason for this is to capture the terrorists, but
according to Indian government’s information there were only 660 terrorists.
But, according to the census of 2008, number of widows in Kashmir was 37,400
and orphans were 97,200.
Here, daily life is really dangerous:
Armed force special powers act 1958, Tensions Act 1976, the
Jammu and Kashmir public safety Act, 1978 and POTA act, 2002
In this, armed force special power acts is most dangerous.
Military can enter any house, arrest anyone, can kill anyone in the name of
investigation. None has the rights to file case against them.
Curfew is implemented for half a month, people of Kashmir
have no idea how streets look after seven. Not only the civilians even the
military needed freedom. Yes, soldiers committed suicide because of depression.
Death valley
Kashmir is a beautiful place of valleys. But today it was
turned into a death valley. According to a report released on March 29, 2008,
940 bodies was buried in 18 villages in the district of Yuri.
World human rights and justice tribunal, held a survey on
Kashmir death. In Baramulla district 1122, in Kupwar 1453, Bandipore 155 pits
were found. 2943 bodies were found only from these 3 districts. An old man from
Kitchana village, Baramulla reported that he buried 230 bodies, 165 pits only
from this small village.
What happened to pandits:
In 1990, the second governor Jagmohan described the
beautiful valley as valley of scorpions. When he was the governor, Armed force
worked without any restrictions continuous Indian dominance, broken vows,
murders, non-peaceful life, spying and tracking, which ruined the life of
Kashmir. Jagmohan aimed to segregate people by religion. In 90’s an armed
organization killed a few pandits, and Jagmohan who was meant to control
people, said Pandits to flee, claiming he couldn’t control them.
Comforts given to Pandits who escaped to Delhi
Houses and shops in main areas, government officials got
full salary without working and they got comforts that were not provided to any
other Indian citizen.
Kashmir Muslims- who divided them ?
A direct answer for this question is ‘Hindutva’. This weed
root back to 1952. With the help of Dokra king, R.S.S entered Kashmir nd
started a religious political party named ‘Jammu Praja Parishad. They continued
to deman the repeal of section 370 privileges law. They severely opposed
holding referendum. This planned protest alienated the Muslim living in valley.
The former Prime Minister, Nehru was also aware about this. On 29 June, 1953 he
wrote a letter to former Chief Minister of West Bengal, B.C Roy. “The Kashmir issue
has become complicated that ever “Nehru writes “The situation became worst
after the formation of Jammu Praja Parishad. The majority Muslim is trembling
to see this movement. The desire to join India has now been scattered. Pkistan
tends to take advantage of this.
What is the cost?
India spent Rs. 3,200 Crore for Kargil war. Apart from the
war, Rs. 6 crore was spent daily just to
keep the army idle in the snow – caped peaks of Siachen every year. Every year
Rs. 2,190 crore is spent only for Siachen. The daily cost of deploying troops
in Kargil is 10 crore. Thus, the government of India spends about Rs. 10,000
crore every year for the protection of it’s control line, soldiers slaries and
pensions excluded. Even after spending this much, India lost the value of love
and respect of Kashmir as restrictions also restricts love and affects .
Desire of Kashmir people
A poll was conducted by Outlook magazine in 2000 in which
the desire of Kashmir was accurately stated. 74% of people want independent
Kashmir, 16% says Kashmir need autonomous with additional power and 2% people
want to join with Pakistan. India still continues to consider 2% as the mindset
of Kashmir.
What is the solution
The withdrawal of the armed forces special powers act and
the millions of soldiers at regular intervals every month, the restoration of
autonomy, submitting a clear and true news on the killed so far, providing the
basic facilities to families of the killed and pandits returning back can be
done to return normalcy.
It is the chief duty of Indian Government to carry out all
this, but will the fascist government do this? No. when Fascist gets buried forever,
on that day only then the good time will be born for both Kashmir and India.
In the end, Kashmir files, is nothing more than a plan for
further hatred of Islam.
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